Oftentimes people want to know how they can help…what they can do to make a difference for the individuals we serve. One of the easiest ways to make an immediate and direct impact is to support Methodist Services financially. You can maximize your gift today by sending a check to our Main Campus office, Methodist Services, 4300 Monument Road, Philadelphia, PA 19131. Make your gift through our secure online site by clicking on “Donate Now” below.
Planned Gifts
Planned Giving is for Everyone!
Planned Giving has a long history at Methodist Services. Over our history, the continuation of our mission has been ensured due in large part to generous estate gifts from donors who have remembered us in their wills. Making Methodist part of your estate plan means making sure Methodist will continue to serve the children and families into the future.
There is a way to help you achieve your financial and family planning goals as well as your philanthropic goals.
Make an impact by:
Making a Beneficiary Gift
Donating Gifts of Appreciated Assets
Establishing a Charitable Gift Annuity
Making a Beneficiary Gift
Making a bigger impact on the people we serve can be easier than you think.
For many people, most of their wealth is not in their wallet or checkbook, it’s in their assets. These non-cash gifts include beneficiary designations in your will, trust, retirement account (such as your 401(k), 403(b), IRA, etc.), life insurance, transfer on death account and more. Giving through your assets has several benefits.
- Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime.
- You can modify your gift at any time should your circumstances change.
- You can direct your gift to support a particular purpose (be sure to check with us to make sure your gift can be used as intended).
Donating Gifts of Appreciated Assets
Gifts of Securities
If you’ve owned a stock for more than 12 months that has appreciated in value, you may find that it makes more tax sense to donate the stock rather than make a cash gift. You can avoid capital gains tax and claim an income tax charitable deduction for the stock’s full, fair market value against up to 30% of your adjusted gross income. Any unused deduction can be carried forward for up to five additional years. If the stock has lost value, it’s likely better to sell the stock, claim the capital loss on your tax return, and contribute the cash proceeds. For more information on donating stock, please contact us directly! Our contact information can be found below!
Gifts of Real Estate
With gains in the real estate market over the past decades, you may find that a fair portion of your net worth is tied up in your home, vacation property, undeveloped land or commercial real estate. Using these assets to make charitable gifts may be an ideal way to support Methodist Services and meet your own planning needs.
Methodist Services will consider outright gifts of real property after assessing the expenses and risks in comparison to the value of the gift. Potential gifts of real estate will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and Methodist Services retains the right to refuse a gift during negotiations without incurring cost or liability. (Possible exposure to environmental liability and possible challenges in marketing the property could be reasons for such a refusal to consider a gift.)
Establishing a Charitable Gift Annuity
Setting up a charitable gift annuity (CGA) is a simple way to provide yourself (or one or two other people) with guaranteed fixed income for life while supporting Methodist Services. CGAs are tremendously flexible, with options that provide payments to one or two annuitants beginning immediately or on a future date (or date range) that you choose.
With all CGA options, you benefit from an immediate charitable income tax deduction for a portion of the funding amount, and part of each payment is tax-free. Also, when you use appreciated stock to fund a CGA, you’ll avoid any capital gains tax liability.
For more information, please contact Carole Boughter, MSS/MLSP, Director of Development at 215.877.1925, ext. 104 or cboughter@methodistservices.org

Annual Fund Gifts
Methodist transforms generous donations from individuals, businesses, organizations and churches into programs and services that benefit the children, individuals and families we serve every day. You can make a gift each year by sending a check or by using our secure online donation page.
Make your gift through our secure online site by clicking on Donate Now.
Methodist Services is a registered 501(c)(3) and all annual fund gifts are tax deductible. Our fiscal year begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. Thank you for your support.

Bridge House Room Renovation Campaign
Help Methodist Services meet a critical need
An Invitation to Give: Adopt-A-Room
$6,500 Double Room Refurbishment

More Ways to Give
Supporting Methodist financially throughout the year is the best way for you to have an impact on our programs. Every dollar you give goes directly toward serving the children and families in our programs. When you make a gift, the money may go toward, for example, sending a child to summer camp, helping a family afford childcare, or purchasing school supplies and Christmas gifts.
We also rely on the generosity of the community for in-kind donations. Every year we provide new, unwrapped Christmas gift and brand new school supplies for the over 1200 children and youth served in our programs. We cannot do this without your help.
Make your gift through our secure online site by clicking on Donate Now.
For further information on in-kind gifts, please contact Carole Boughter, MSS/MLSP, Director of Development at 215.877.1925, ext. 104 or cboughter@methodistservices.org